Sometimes the Finish Line is Just the Beginning

I’m so proud of my wife Olivia and my eldest daughter Chloe for running their races on June 1st. Olivia completed her first Sprint Triathlon. While she has always been a strong swimmer, this was her first time competing in swimming, biking, or running.

Chloe, who had previously run some 5Ks as a kid, recently decided to run a half marathon with some friends.

Both of them put in the work and trained diligently for their races. They invested in new shoes, shorts, racing tops, hydration belts, and running snacks. Olivia also got a bike, helmet, bike computer, triathlon shorts, and borrowed a wetsuit.

I was very impressed with how they both stuck to their training programs. Training for a race demands a special level of focus.

So, how did they do? Both of these amazing ladies felt ill on race day, yet they both achieved personal records.

But what do you do after a big race? You completed your goal, but is it really over? You don’t want to lose all the fitness you worked so hard to achieve.

When I ran my marathon, my plan was to do just the one. After the race, I took a week off from running. But then a friend asked me to do a half marathon with him each weekend. Crazy, right? So I said yes. After a few weeks, I thought, “You know, I should try another marathon.”

That’s where Olivia and Chloe are today. Chloe, feeling sick, wants another crack at her half marathon. Olivia wants to improve her swimming and maintain her running fitness.

Sometimes the finish line is just the beginning.

I can’t wait to see what they do next!