Jehrod’s Race to Honor Mom

Running has always held different meanings throughout my life. When I was kid, it was to survive from getting eaten by the doberman pincher that would chase my brother and me home from school. As an adult, it started out as for exercise purposes then it evolved to something much deeper. It manifested into honoring the life of the most special person that’s ever existed in my life. My mom!

She ran a different race in life, a race to survive the challenges of being a dialysis patient while raising two young men. A race to never let this world or a Dr. tell her anything contrary to the power of her God. A race to be one of the most resilient souls I’ve ever known. I run this race once a year to honor her life/memory and to remind myself of the lessons she bestowed. Like the power of seeking joy even in the most challenging walks/runs of life… especially if it involves running in 20° weather at 6 in the morning!

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